Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I'm a Wanted Author!

Wow! What can I say? I'm a Wanted Author. No, I didn't commit any crime, unless you count writing as a crime, but I'm wanted because of my last name. Yep. The good 'ol name of James has gotten my face plastered on a Wanted Poster. Even though I'm not related to the infamous Jesse James, at least not that I know of, I am now a member of the Wanted Poster Club. Well, in a good way. Fellow romance author Marcia James came up with the cute idea of the James Gang. Each month she interviews fellow authors who have James in their names. I'm pleased to be her guest for the month of March. Check out the interview at her web site at http://www.marciajames.net/James_gang.html

Marcia is quite a lady. She is fun and dynamic. I had a blast sitting next to her at the Romantic Times BOOKlovers convention book fair last April in Houston, TX. I don't know how many pairs of thumb cuffs she gave away while signing copies of her book At Her Command from Cerridwen Press, but it was a bunch!

If you could be wanted for something, hopefully good ;-), what would be? A great mom? A good neighbor? A sex symbol? For me, it's a great mom/spouse/friend, a great writer, and a as a compassionate friend of animals. Let me hear from you! I'm always looking for great ideas for characters.

Sherry James


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm...good question. I'd love to be wanted by Blaze or Spice, LOL. Failing that (and I'll bite my tongue) I'd choose a compassionate, insightful nurse.


N.J.Walters said...

What a fantastic idea! The James Gang! *g*

If I could be wanted for something...I'd loved to be wanted by a New York publisher. :-) Right now, I'm glad to be wanted by my hubby. LOL

Sherry James said...

Margaret & N.J.--

I'm with both of you! But whatever you do, don't give up on your dreams and goals to make it there. Keep writing and submitting and it'll happen!

Sherry James