Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy New Year!

I can't believe it. 2009 is already here. Wow. In another year we'll almost be through the first decade of the 21st Century. Seems like just yesterday we were all worried about the Y2K stuff.

Since it's a new year, as usual, I have many goals I hope to accomplish in the coming months. Hopefully this year will be less stressful and I can get my writing career back on track---that not only includes seeing a couple of books published this year, but getting my personal writing schedule on a consistent schedule. I've learned over the years that in this business consistency is one the big keys to success. As a writer you have to write consistently, submit consistently, and have books published consistently to develop that coveted readership.

I also just bought a new horse! Yes, I'm so excited. So, I hope to spend a lot more time in the saddle this year. One of these days I'll post some pix of my horse family for you to see.

In the meantime, what are some of your plans/goals for 2009? Have you been writing a book, but have yet to submit? Maybe this is the year to take that plunge. After all, you can't sell a book if you don't submit it to a publisher. Speaking of publishers. I'd better get busy. I have revisions to finish on Eight Seconds!